- book
- booklet
- cover
- bulletins CD
- bulletins slipcase
The PPS has produced a range of items, some of them illustrated above (click on an image to enlarge it).
Available to non-members
The 137 page book titled Forgeries of Portugal and Colonies, by Dave Davies is a must for collectors of Portugal & Colonies as a valuable reference. The book is printed on high quality paper and has colour stamp images throughout. It contains well researched information about forgers, bogus stamps, facsimiles, clandestine proofs, and lists in detail known forgeries of many stamps from Portugal (D. Maria, D. Pedro, St. Anthony, Ceres, fiscals, etc.) and all colonies.
To order this reference book : Please fill out the form on this page below to provide your postal address, preferred payment method and delivery option. The book costs £30, postage extra.
For members only
In March 2012, on the occasion of our 50th anniversary, we published a 45 page booklet narrating the Society’s history. The booklet includes many photos, and a full list of past officers and winners of the society’s trophies. It costs, including postage, £10 for the UK, Portugal and the Netherlands, £12 for the rest of Europe, and £14 for the rest of the world. The cover’s price is £2 for the UK, and £2.50 for the rest of Europe.
The PPS has produced a CD with all 183 PPS Bulletins from 1962 to 2008 and an index of all articles. The price, including postage, is £25 for the UK, €30 for the rest of Europe, and US$40 for the rest of the world. For registered postage, add £5, €6 or $8 to the price.
A dark blue fold-over slipcase, with the PPS logo (Dona Maria 5 réis stamp) embossed on the front and the spine, can hold 12 issues (3 years) of the PPS bulletin. The price, including postage, is £10 for the UK, £12 for the rest of Europe, and £14 for the rest of the world.
Last but not least, there is the PPS tie! The price is £10.
All items are also available at PPS member meetings, if asked for in advance. Please fill out the following form to order any item(s) and we’ll contact you with further payment details.