PPS AGM 2018

Hello PPS Members,

We are glad to inform the PPS members and of course the “regulars” regarding arrangements for AGM 2018’s week- end which will take place from Friday, March 9th, 2018 to Sunday March 11th, 2018 with the AGM itself at 10.00 a.m. on Saturday March 10th, 2018

The new venue this year will be the Warwick Hilton, Stratford Road, Warwick CV34 6RE, England, UK. It is on the A 429 just about 100 yards from the roundabout on the M 40. The centre of Warwick is 2 miles away and Stratford 6 miles. You can of course find further details on their website :www.hilton.com/warwick

The cost will be £ 85 per night per person, bed and breakfast single and £ 95 per couple for a double. Dinner is another £ 20 although on the Friday night, as last year, members will probably be visiting the Pastelaria Portuguesa at Coten End, Warwick (More at : www.pastelariaportuguesa.co.uk )

It would be appreciated if PPS members would let Mr. John Swan know as soon as possible – and in not less than three weeks – if they expect to attend. This need not be a final commitment at this stage but obviously the hotel would appreciate knowing approximately how many rooms we require.

We look forward to your confirmation that you are again going to join us for an enjoyable week- end. Also of course, do get in touch with Mr. John Swan if you’d like further information.

See you at the PPS AGM 2018 !


One response to “PPS AGM 2018”

  1. S

    Certainly plan to attend for all the festivities.
    Steve & Betsy Washburne.

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