Although the AGM is still a week away, I really hope everyone has a great time.
New website
Welcome to the new PPS website, re-built and re-styled from scratch! I thank the previous Webmaster, João Paulo Cota, and the Treasurer, Francis Rodrigues, for their assistance in the handover process.
Being a British society related to Portugal, I chose a look based on the common colours of the Union Jack and the Portuguese flag: red, blue and white.
Over time, I will copy over the content of the old website and edit it to fit the new blog format, to remove old dead links, to make use of the features (like image galleries) of the new platform used (WordPress), etc. I will keep attribution of the past entries to the previous Webmaster.
If you spot any mistakes or omissions in any entry, please leave a comment in that entry. Note that your first comment will be moderated, to prevent spam. For comments or suggestions regarding the website in general, please contact me directly.
I hope you enjoy the new site and look forward to your contributions.
XXIII Exposição Filatélica Nacional
This major philatelic event is to be held 17-22 September at Palácio Barrocal in the historical city of Évora, Portugal. The usual ‘PPS suspects’ from overseas are due to attend along with many local PPS members. This major FPF event is being jointly organized by both Portugal and Bulgaria. For more information (in Portuguese), please click on this link.
Bulletin #202
The latest PPS bulletin has just been published. It contains some interesting reading:
- President’s Message and a Cover
- Editor’s Desk
- Republished: Two Mocambique Crown Covers Sent Via Sea Post Office to Bombay (Dr Les Glassman)
- Compliments of Errington & Martin (Ron van der Holt)
- Midpex 2013: Warwickshire Exhibition Centre (John Swan)
- Australia FIP World Stamp Exhibition: Melbourne 2013 (Dr. Les Glassman)
- Portugal Lusíadas: A Colour Proof? (Ron van der Holt)
- Mozambique – Correspondence to the Cape of Good Hope via Lisbon (Dr Elder Correia, Translated by Hal Reynolds)
- The CCCC and Goa: Part One (Ron van der Holt)
- Forthcoming Events, Exhibitions and Auctions
Midpex 2013
The bi-annual Midpex was held on July 6th at the Warwick Exhibition Centre, Warwickshire, UK. The PPS held its usual summer meeting where some pending 2013 AGM agenda matters were also discussed. It was a good event and everyone enjoyed the day, including two new members – Kenneth Mascarenhas and J Bourne – who joined the PPS on the day.
The photo shows Hon President Stephen Washburne (right) and Hon Secretary John Swan (left) conducting a meeting amongst attending PPS committee members.
Forgeries of Portugal and Colonies Book
This great book on the forgeries of Portugal and its ex-colonies was authored by renowned British philatelist Capt Dave Davies and was published by our very own Portuguese Philatelic Society. This book has 137 pp and is well illustrated with superb coloured scans, sketches and well researched text. A masterpiece on the rich Portuguese philately we all love!
John Dahl’s RPSL Lecture
Distinguished PPS member, Mr John Dahl, presented May’s Sir Daniel Cooper lecture at the Royal Philatelic Society, London on the 11th May 2006 with his talk and display titled “The embossed issues of Portugal”. The lecture was well attended and you will be able to read more details of the same on this Royal Philatelic link.
Mr John Dahl (right) with the president of the Royal, Mr Christopher Harman.
Summer Meeting 2006
The annual summer meeting of the Portuguese Philatelic Society was held on sunday 25th June 2006, on the lawns of the residence of our beloved president, Ms Leslye Dunkley at Avon, Dorset, UK. PPS members from around the world turned up as usual for this great day of fun, good food (always supported by her neighbours), ‘shady philatelic’ deals between members as well as excellent philatelic exhibits. As usual also, the Portuguese India ‘clan’ had their own tent but made sure it mixed with the crowd! A message from the Hon. PPS Secretary:
Yet again we were treated to the bountiful hospitality of our President, Leslye Dunkley, and yet again we were blessed with gorgeous summer weather. After drinks and the usual sumptuous luncheon fare, as well as the traditional wheeling and dealing by the P.I. mafia, we settled down to some excellent displays which, once again, we were able to enjoy al fresco. These were as follows:
- Alun Southwood – Provisional Townmarks 1879 – 1912
- Tom Poynton – Airmails, especially Zeppelins to Cape Verde
- Francis Rodrigues – India – World War I Censor Marks
- Dave Davies – India – 1871-1888
- Maurice Taylor – Madeira – Taxed Bills of Lading
- Steve Washburne – Christmas Cards (Christmas being precisely 6 months away)
- John Dahl – Sebenta/ Queima das Fitas of Coimbra and Porto Universities
The philatelic proceedings were I fear rather truncated due to a certain football match, although we did of course find time to make well-deserved thankyou presentations to Leslye’s faithful band of helpers. Those present, in addition to the displayers referred to above, were our President Leslye Dunkley, Roger Lawson, João Paulo Cota, David McIntyre, Paul Woodness, Ron, Rowan, Oran and Quin van der Holt, and John Swan. It was yet again a memorable afternoon and our warmest thanks go to Leslye for hospitality above and beyond the call of duty.
John Swan
Pictures courtesy Ron Van der Holt (click on images for enlarged views):
1. Anticlockwise we have our Hon president, Ms Leslye Dunkley, John Dahl and Roger Lawson having a chat…
2. Dave David (right) receiving the ‘Distinguished Philatelist’ award from ISPP and PPS member Stephen Washburne. This award has been awarded by our US sister society ISPP to Dave for his great philatelic achievements.
3. Alun Southwood presenting his provisional townmarks (1879 – 1912) exhibit.
4. Young Oran Van der Holt, our buddy philatelist and son of our bulletin editor, describing his World Dinossaurs collection to Dave Davis and João Paulo Cota in the ‘Portuguese India tent’….
5. Maurice Taylor explaining his exhibit – along with his ever novel and innovative way of wearing the PPS tie! -
España 2006
España 06, the great Iberian philatelic show is going to take place between October 7-13, 2006 at the beautiful Spanish city of Malaga. There will be lots of world class exhibitors participating and it is anticipated that there will be some good Portuguese philately going to be displayed. More details on this website.
Washington 2006
Washington 2006, the famous American world philatelic exhibition, which ran from 27th May June 3rd at the Washington, DC Convention Center, Washington, USA came to an end recently. There were great exhibits to be seen with lots of the world’s rarities on display, besides more than 200 dealers on the floor. More information can be viewed and downloaded on the show’s official website.
Steve Washburne, PPS member from the USA was a director on the Jurors panel this year. There were quite a few Portugal and ex-colonies displays at this prestigious event. Some of these exhibitors are PPS members. Details and results as below:
- John N. Liles – “Portugal Ceres” – VERMEIL MEDAL
- Manuel A. D. Lima Torres – “Portugal Pre-Philatelic” – LARGE VERMEIL
- David Stirrups “Spanish Post Office & Gibraltar Mail 1850-75” – VERMEIL MEDAL
- John R. G. Dahl “Revenues of the Republic of Portugal from 1910” – GOLD MEDAL
- Philip E. Parker “WW I GEA: The Portuguese Connection” – VERMEIL MEDAL
- Cheong-Too Choi “Pre-Adhesive Postal History of Macau” – GOLD MEDAL
- Stephen T.Y. Chan “King Carlos Issues of Macau” – LARGE VERMEIL
- Les Glasman “Mozambique & Mozambique Company” – GOLD MEDAL
- Lutz Hohensang “Portugal – D. Luis Embossed Postal Stationery” – LARGE VERMEIL
- Eduardo & Luis Barreiros “História do Serviço Postal Militar” (Literature Class)- VERMEIL MEDAL
- Pedro Vaz Pereira “Os Correios Portugueses Entre 1853-1900 … (Literature Class) – GOLD MEDAL
- Ronald Strawser “Belgian Congo Mols Issue of 1894-1925” – LARGE VERMEIL
- Y Khai Weng an “Mozambique Company” – LARGE VERMEIL
- Graham Cosh “Variations on German Aerophilately 1888-1938” – LARGE VERMEIL
Also, the ISPP has a one frame exhibit “Collecting P & C” in the Society/ Club section.
Steve Washburne / João Paulo Cota