AGM 2014
PPS members will always be encouraged to attend the AGMs. Every 5 years the PPS holds an AGM in Portugal and these AGMs are very well attended. I was unable to attend this year, but in an email to PPS member Milind Kamat today I suggested that in the future there’s no reason why members can’t attend via Skype (video and audio). Obviously we want to attend in person, but realistically that’s not always possible. Skype would be the next best thing to being there. Food for thought.
Interesting idea. It certainly would be nice for PPS members around the world to see and hear live the AGM, the auction and the philatelic displays. The hotel’s internet is OK, I used it to do a live demo of the site at this AGM, but I wonder whether Skype would be able to handle well a dozen or more members simultaneously. Moreover, I don’t think the image and sound quality as captured by a normal laptop would be good enough. If someone has a video camera, we could record the event and make it restricted to members afterwards.