I most sincerely apologise for breaking with a long-time tradition, but I regret that the planned-for auction later this month at the AGM in Porto will not now take place.
This year I have had increased mobility problems and this has necessitated a planned operation to free a nerve in my back which in turn has restricted my traveling.
I am planning to re-create the auction on-line in mid-year and will be contacting all those who have given me items to sell, to gain their approval for this. Notice will be given both in the magazine and on this website as and when a date is known.
I hope that the AGM is a massive success and hope to see everyone at Midpex in July.
Best wishes,
– Roger Lawson
Hi. I just wondered if there are any members of the Society that may have done some work on the postage rates for Mozambique for the period from 1945 to Independence? If so, I would very much like to hear from them. Regards. Paul (Australia)