Auction 2015 results
The results of our last auction, at the March 2015 AGM, are available. Our auctioneer, Roger Lawson, has produced Read More
The results of our last auction, at the March 2015 AGM, are available. Our auctioneer, Roger Lawson, has produced Read More
Our auctioneer, Roger Lawson, has put together the catalogue of this year’s auction. The auction will take place on March 7th, after the AGM. If you can’t attend, you may submit your bids (in British pounds) via the form below, which will be e-mailed to Roger. The form will be was removed on March 3rd.
Only PPS members can bid for lots, but there’s still time to become a member.
In the slideshows below, leave your mouse cursor on the centre of the slideshow to see the lot number corresponding to each image. To see an image in larger resolution, pause the slideshow at that image, then right-click and choose the option to open the image in a new browser tab or save it to your disk.
Congratulations to our members Luís Barreiros, Bento Dias, Luís Frazão, Claudino Pereira, Manuel Lima Torres, and Isabel Vieira, for winning 4 Large Gold, 5 Gold and 6 Silver-gilt awards at the last National Philatelic Exhibition! The exhibits’ themes included the pre-stamp period, classic issues, maritime mail, Mozambique railway mail, Portuguese India, and WW I. The detailed list of the exhibits and awards is in this month’s bulletin.
Here are some photos, courtesy of Isabel Vieira, of some of the PPS members attending the National Philatelic Exhibition. The Secretary’s report about the event will appear in the next bulletin.
Some photos (courtesy of Isabel, Armando and Bento) from the recent Annual General Meeting, which took place 21-23 March in Leamington Spa.
PPS members will always be encouraged to attend the AGMs. Every 5 years the PPS holds an AGM in Portugal and these AGMs are very well attended. I was unable to attend this year, but in an email to PPS member Milind Kamat today I suggested that in the future there’s no reason why members can’t attend via Skype (video and audio). Obviously we want to attend in person, but realistically that’s not always possible. Skype would be the next best thing to being there. Food for thought.
This major philatelic event is to be held 17-22 September at Palácio Barrocal in the historical city of Évora, Portugal. The usual ‘PPS suspects’ from overseas are due to attend along with many local PPS members. This major FPF event is being jointly organized by both Portugal and Bulgaria. For more information (in Portuguese), please click on this link.
The bi-annual Midpex was held on July 6th at the Warwick Exhibition Centre, Warwickshire, UK. The PPS held its usual summer meeting where some pending 2013 AGM agenda matters were also discussed. It was a good event and everyone enjoyed the day, including two new members – Kenneth Mascarenhas and J Bourne – who joined the PPS on the day.
The photo shows Hon President Stephen Washburne (right) and Hon Secretary John Swan (left) conducting a meeting amongst attending PPS committee members.
Distinguished PPS member, Mr John Dahl, presented May’s Sir Daniel Cooper lecture at the Royal Philatelic Society, London on the 11th May 2006 with his talk and display titled “The embossed issues of Portugal”. The lecture was well attended and you will be able to read more details of the same on this Royal Philatelic link.
Mr John Dahl (right) with the president of the Royal, Mr Christopher Harman.